Aid & Assistance
I know that the Lord secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy.
Psalm 140:12
Overlake Christian Church offers financial assistance to help local residents of Bothell, Redmond, Kirkland and Woodinville with rent, mortgage, or utility bills once a year.
Download the Aid & Assistance application HERE (Aplicación en español aquí.). If you would prefer to fill out and submit a written hard copy of the application, you may do so at the church office Monday-Thursday, 9am-1pm. The church offices are located in the BACK (east end) of the church building. Park in the back parking lot and enter through the back entrance. Please do not enter the building from the front/west entrance as the offices are NOT accessible from that end of the building.
Complete the application IN FULL and email to caresupport@occ.org. Incomplete applications may not be processed. In your email, please include any related bills, statements, or rental agreements. Also, attach a picture of your photo ID.
You will be contacted by an interviewer to set up an appointment for a phone interview. If you haven't been contacted within three business days, you may email caresupport@occ.org to check on the status of your application.
On the Thursday following your interview you may email caresupport@occ.org to find out if we were able to provide you with any assistance.
Financial assistance checks are mailed directly to the landlord or utility company on Thursdays.
What we can help with:
Rent or mortgage (including move-in costs)
Some car repairs for those living in their vehicles
What we can't help with:
Hotel/motel vouchers
Greyhound bus tickets, plane tickets, train tickets