Building for the Future at Overlake Christian Church 

“You’ll be known as those who can fix anything, restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate, make the community livable again.”

Isaiah 58:9-12 (The Message)

Overlake, thank you for investing in the vision of our 27 acres by through prayer, financial generosity, and participating in decision making through voting.

For over two years we have been praying over our property and preparing for the generational-sized opportunities it holds. One goal of ours has been to address our community’s greatest need by developing affordable housing on our property. 

Another goal has been to become financially healthy, sustainable, and increasingly generous with what we have for long-term impact both locally and globally. This includes retiring $8+ million of debt that OCC has had for 25+ years. 

We were hopeful we could achieve both goals at the same time. We gave it all we had. Many of you did too. We’re grateful. 

However, after multiple attempts with multiple developers, and a network of community partners, and professional support – it became increasingly clear to the board we needed to adopt a multi-phased approach to achieving these goals. 

Phase 1: Sell a portion of land to retire debt, address deferred maintenance, establish reserves, and set the stage for future phases. At the end of 2024, with a 98.5% approval vote, we have decided to move forward in selling 8 acres for the development of an “indoor recreation center.”

Phase 2: Pursue the right partner for developing affordable housing, free of our own financial constraints. These constraints were imposing unrealistic timelines with zero margin for error. 

We are currently in Phase 1.

Further down is the FAQ section, plus anyone can connect with the OCC board at for additional questions – we would love to connect with you. 

We’re in this together as we pursue God’s vision for OCC! 

OCC Board of Elders

 Frequently Asked Questions  

What is an “indoor recreation center?” 

This building would have approximately 160,000 sq/ft of indoor space with high open ceilings, useful for a variety of potential sports – volleyball, basketball, soccer, tennis, pickleball, etc. There is a growing demand for more indoor recreation options in our community.  

The buyer is the owner of the Sno-King Ice Arena in Snoqualmie, which provides an example of construction quality and design aesthetics. Here are some design examples of what it would look comparable to and here is a basic preliminary site plan.

Is there any benefit to OCC and our greater community?  

The Redmond and greater community will have a year-round indoor option where people can experience the joy of sport, exercise, and community – especially during the dark and dreary PNW months. This indoor recreation center aligns with the ‘Redmond 2050’ master plan, which states, “Having places and opportunities for leisure, recreation and enrichment is vital to a community’s well-being and quality of life.” Redmond 2050 Master Plan, p. 152  

What’s the timeline until construction? 

The buyer has 120 days for due diligence (e.g. environmental studies) with multiple options for extensions for up to six months - each monthly extension requires a non-refundable payment to OCC. Due diligence will end in late April, with the expectation is the sale closes no later than November 2025. 

The timing related to permitting is dependent upon the City and the timeline related to construction has its own variables. The buyer estimates an opening sometime in 2027.  

What’s the latest news on our zoning related to affordable housing? 

Good news! With the recent passage of the ‘Redmond 2050’ master plan our property has both the land use policy in place and associated tax exemption status required to pursue developing affordable housing. It's been a multi-year effort in partnership with so many individuals and organizations. This is an answer to prayer! 

Is this indoor recreation center compatible with future affordable housing? 

Yes! Guidance from affordable housing professionals helped play a key role in this decision. Just imagine – within walking and biking distance people will be able to live, work, play, eat, learn, worship, exercise, and connect with others. Plus, they’ll be at the intersection of three major regional trail systems connecting the Eastside. 

Neighbors will have immediate access to resources available at OCC – affordable childcare and preschool, spiritual care, connection, and various services provided by a growing number of non-profits and community groups. 

Will there be enough space for an indoor recreation center, future affordable housing, OCC’s building, and all the parking needs? 

Yes! If there’s one thing we have – it's space. First, parking ratios have changed a lot (technically, we’re over-parked), a large portion of land is underused (old shuttle lanes), nearly 1 in 4 parking stalls are located behind the church building, and we can continue to adjust the size and scope of events we host. 

For example, in the future there could be a redesigning of our outdoor and indoor spaces to continue maximizing their function and use. As we’ve said, “Each acre and each square foot matters – God has a vision for all of it.” 

What about our 244,000 sq/ft of indoor space?  

We want to continue to maximize all our space! There is so much potential. So much opportunity. So many ideas. In fact, moving forward with this multi-phase approach helps spur on work happening towards a collaborative cost-sharing approach of meeting community needs with other onsite partnerships. We have more work to do, with details to follow.  

Here is a great article on our neighbors down the road at the Together Center. We’ve learned a lot from them! 

Why didn’t things work out with previous affordable housing developers? 

In short, there were so many variables needing to line up on such an abbreviated timeline with little-to-no room for delay or error. The execution of such an ambitious development, without certainty of financing, plus limited capacity given other current affordable housing projects in the development pipeline – it all proved the wisest decision was to pivot to a multi-phase approach. (Note: The current buyer already has their financing in place for this purchase.)  

What’s the financial impact of this sale? 

First, for the first time in 25+ years, OCC will be finally be debt-free! Our annual debt service cost is $635,000 and at the end of 2026 our loan will require refinancing – and at a much higher interest rate. Ouch. 

Second, we will also be able to save over $150,000/year in property taxes and begin to address a backlog of deferred maintenance. We want to steward this building and property well. 

Third, we will be able to establish a reserve fund and prepare for future phases in the vision of our 27 acres. 

Fourth, we want future generations to be free from the stress of financial burden and experience financial health, stability, and continually grow in generosity. 

We are continuing to move towards a sustainable model where expenses related to the building and property are covered by the income generated by the building and property. This will take multiple years to achieve this goal, and we are already on our way. 

Lastly, if anyone wants to review the specifics outlined in the “Purchase and Sale Agreement” for this sale, then simply email the elders to set up a time to swing by the church’s office - 

So... does this solve OCC’s long-term financial situation? 

This is one big step towards the solution. And believe it or not, there’s an even bigger step. A harder step. A step each person and family can only choose to take themselves - the spiritual practice of generosity.

Our vision is to become a community where everyone who considers OCC their home is faithfully giving financially to the “5 G’s - Gatherings, Generations, Growing, Going, Generosity.” (Technically, this is called the “General Fund” - but we’ll be updating that soon.) 

In fact, we model this as a church community, making sure 10% “goes out the door” to support partners locally and globally in four areas of mission: Gospel, Freedom, Homes, and Peacemaking. 

If you haven’t already, we invite you to set up your recurring giving here. Giving to the ‘General Fund’ is the best way to have an immediate and ongoing impact.  

Thank you to everyone already faithfully giving! 

What can I do in the meantime? 

PRAY! Just as we’ve been doing for the past couple years, let’s continue to lift up all 27 acres in prayer. Here is the passage from Isaiah 58 that we’ve been using to guide our prayers: 

Isaiah 58:9-12 (The Message) 

Then when you pray, God will answer. 

You’ll call out for help and I’ll say, ‘Here I am.’ 

“If you get rid of unfair practices, quit blaming victims, quit gossiping about other people’s sins, If you are generous with the hungry and start giving yourselves to the down-and-out, Your lives will begin to glow in the darkness, your shadowed lives will be bathed in sunlight.

I will always show you where to go. 

I’ll give you a full life in the emptiest of places — firm muscles, strong bones. 

You’ll be like a well-watered garden, a gurgling spring that never runs dry.

You’ll use the old rubble of past lives to build anew, rebuild the foundations from out of your past.

You’ll be known as those who can fix anything, restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate, make the community livable again.” 

What about the impact to the Redmond Saturday Market? 

We’ve loved hosting the Market since 2020 and will continue to do so! This coming year (2025) they will move to parking lots A & B (closer to the building). 

What about the Crosses out in Lot D? 

We’ll bring them closer to the building!



We would love to connect with you!