Let’s Go is for everyone, everywhere!
Whether you’ve been at Overlake 5 minutes or 50 years, we’d love to have you join us for a post-service lunch to connect with our WHY, HOW and WHAT.
The next round of Let’s Go is happening on Sunday, March 30th immediately after service.
We’ll eat together, take a building tour, talk theology, learn about various ministries, and personally engage the “everyone, everywhere” vision - all in about 90-minutes directly following service (11:30am-1:00pm).
Free lunch and limited childcare provided with preregistration! Register at the button below (registration closes on March 26th).
The next session of Let’s Go will be on Sunday, March 30, from 11:30am-1pm. We hope you will join us for Let’s Go!
Have questions? Email Charlene Dy.
Next Steps:
Join a Group this fall – we have Groups for staying active, praying together, and getting connected to the wider OCC community!
There are a variety of Ministry Teams at Overlake, and each team offers a number of opportunities with varying levels of commitment. We'd love to help you find your place of ministry and serving!
Giving to Overlake Christian Church is an opportunity to participate in what God is up to in this world - bringing heaven to earth - right here, right now! Giving to Overlake is convenient and easy.